The old oil tanks that were housed at the rear of the Centre, between the plant room and foot & ear care clinic since 1967, have finally been removed. The space they leave will be converted over the summer into much needed office accommodation.
At the same time, we plan to undertake alternations in the lounge installing new flooring, lighting and décor to provide a more functional, versatile and uplifting modern space.
The building work will take around two months and include the creation of a separate covered entrance and patio within a secure enclosed area.
We are incredibly grateful to Greenham Trust for their long-term support of the Fair Close Centre. We could not be embarking on the building improvements without their support. Other funders will be involved and we will provide an update in the next newsletter.
We will minimise disruption and building work will be kept separate from day-to-day life at Fair Close. We will share progress at every step and just ask James if you have any questions or call him on 07972 058378.